Voldemort is dead, and the wizarding world must now try and put itself back together again. Jennifer Potter is grieving, along with most of the population, for their loved ones who lost their lives in the Battle of Hogwarts.
She also has a new job, an orphan Godson, and her own wedding to plan. But her mind is damaged, beyond repair, as Remus's death sent her over the edge. And even Charlie can't make her see sense.
The war may be over, but the world is not yet free from corruption.There are several Death Eaters still at large, and the Aurors must track them down, before they do any major damage. Jenny may have put that part of her life behind her, but the Aurors want her to re-join them in their fight. Harry Potter and Charlie Weasley must try and keep Jenny on the right path, and stop her going back to what she knows best.
Sara and the Marauders have now joined the Order of the Phoenix, something that they all thought was going to be the next exciting adventure in their lives, but that idea came crashing down very quickly. Being a part of the Order is dangerous, and the Death Eaters are picking them off one by one.
And there is a traitor in their midst, who is secretly passing information to Voldemort, so the Marauders no longer know who they can trust.
Sara also has to deal with the every day pain of being a Maledictus, who is also dating a Werewolf. Now that Sara is an adult, she knows that it's only a matter of time before she gets stuck as a dragon, and forgets who she is, just like her mother, and grandmother before her.
She has already planned out the remainder of her human life. But everything changes, when she realises she is expecting a baby...