In the years following the Second Galactic War and the dissolution of the reincarnated Empire, Rey suddenly goes missing without a trace. Determined to find her and bring her home to their children, Ben searches the galaxy for her, never imagining that, once he finally finds her, she'd have no idea who he is...
"Forgotten" takes place several years after the events of "Conflicted," by KCMarsala. (So, if you haven't read that yet, you should probably start there!) This installment explores themes of love, loss, family, and the role of memory throughout it all.
This story is a work in progress and I will be updating it weekly, probably on Sundays or Mondays. Come say hello on tumblr (KCMarsala)!
Klara remembers that fateful day that Ben Solo gave in to the dark side. She remembers it well. Years later, she had refused to take part in the war with her attention entirely on finding Luke Skywalker and thus has been on a search for him. With the help of new friends and old, Klara embarks on a journey of self discovery, love, friendship, and hurt!
This is a Poe x OC
I own nothing but my OC and some minor story changes to make the character fit.
Ratings may change through more development of story!
⚠️Slow Updates⚠️
Started: December 2019