46 Partes Concluida Don't need to read first story to read this one
Sequel to Pink Aura
Pink Paradise [created Dec 14 - finished (unedited) - March 13]
Selena had grown up to be a wonderful young lady. She grew up alone with her Pokémon she made as family and loved pranking. It was until a certain someone named Shadow who randomly came into her life, changed it all for the better good. She made friends from every region, and was happy...
That is until a tragic event happened and it caused her real pain. Her family planned on moving to a entirely new region, and she agreed to leave everything behind without telling anyone personally... only by email
Selena was still traumatized about what happened, if it wasn't for Ghetsis coming back... Her new home in the Alola region was a way for her to start over and forget about the past. She really thought she could become better... and the region was the perfect place for her to discover herself, since the people worshipped the species of Leles, who are people with unique colored eyes that were created by legendaries and release powers, just like her
Selena still acts like her usual way, cold, bored, mature, yet caring, she starts traveling around Alola, challenging the trials and still tries to get her mind off things. This place was certainly different... and the place where she'll explore new things and discover more of herself as a Lele. She will create new experiences and gain much more powers than before... she's a special someone that would be worshiped by all, but she's still that serious girl who just wants to know who she is. New adventure, new Pokémon, new friends, new experiences, a new enemy, and new love interest... she is stuck between worlds of accepting and staying in the past
Made 2017