Summary: Atemu and Yami Sennen are considered the most heartless brothers throughout Ancient Egypt until they come across two villagers name Sophia and Yugi who are cousins and they fell right in front of the Pharaoh and his brother. Now, the two cousins are forced to be the personal servants to them can the two break the ice from the two princes heart? Will two annoying ladies ruin their chances? What secrets do Sophia and the other lights have and why do they have magic? Find out. Pairings: Atemu x Sophia(No shipping) Yami x Yugi (Puzzleshipping) Seto x Jou (Puppyshipping) Marik x Malik (Bronzeshipping) Bakura x Ryou (Tendershipping) Hond ax Ryuji (Chaseshipping) Warning: Anzu and Vivian bashing, mpreg, lots of violence, and blood, modern day items in it.All Rights Reserved