Peter Parker, fifteen-year-old vigilante. Fifteen-year-old teen that had lost everything in his life. First his Parents, then his Uncle Ben. Then...everything went down hill. He lost his Aunt May. They were just driving, driving home to avoid traffic, it was just a shortcut! That Shortcut lead May to her death, it lead Peter to going to an Orphanage where they mistreated kids, not caring what they had been through. All the Orphanage cared about was the money they would be getting for each kid.
The day May died, Peter was taken by social services, the market out their apartment on sale which was taken almost immediately. He lost all of Mays stuff and was only allowed t9 take his own. He was able to grab a few things that belonged to May and Ben, but that was it. He was never able to return to that house again, it no longer belonged to him and May, it bel9mg to some Stranger. Peter just wanted to stop from that day, he just wanted to stop feeling and never feel love for anyone again.
One day, Steve and Tony Stark-Rogers were discussing, something that they needed. They had been married for three years, and in those three years, they have always wanted a child. A child that wasn't too young, but also a child that could care for themselves when they went on missions. That day, they went to the orphanage, that day, they met the most perfect boy they could ever ask for. Peter Parker.
Peter lost everything the night his aunt May died. Mr Stark was gone, aunt may was gone, Peter was forgotten by everyone. Peter's inability to believe he's any good was challenged when he received a message from Sarcastic Territorial And Reliable Keeper, STARK, telling him to go to the avengers tower.
This story is aimed at teenagers, and depicts a few slightly gory sentences, if you can watch marvel, then you can read this book. All characters except Quinn, Pip, the bbeg, and a few other unnamed people are owned by marvel and I receive nothing from writing this other than having an outlet.
Lol but great story - th4t0mn1qu33n