This world is broken and I'm on journey to repair all the pieces. This will be an ongoing story as I will be updating as I travel and talk face to face with the people who need help, want to help or just feel stuck and bring their stories to you. I am on the road to become president and this will be my first step in showing the world how everyone is broken and what we can do repair our roots as branches from the tree of life will never grow with broken roots. I will studying Health care, Education , Psychology and Business on online class while on this journey. Please find a place in your heart to read the lives of others and learn to walk in their shoes. Learn compassion and understanding and most of all how to RISE TOGETHER AS ONE!!!!!! If you have a story you would like to share please email me at and tell me yours and a little bit about you and a name you would like to use so I can add yours :)
Stay Humble My Beautiful Family