After the end where tord fails at taking over the world in the process losing a arm and tom is the savior he saved the world he shot tords robot with his harpoon and soon enough this lead to now tords still leading the Red Team and there is a problem someone is ruining there kills and they can't figure out who he was described a monster and he doesn't hesitate to kill on sight during a mission the Red Team see the monster tord gets a little shocked about who it is his robot arm gets torn off and for the first time they have to retreat and when they do tord gets suspicious about this monster and he looks for Edd and Matt to ask questions this leads to one thi,g or another and they need back up so they send in the genderbenders of each of them and one thing leads to another and they may or may not have just killed there best friends life the very weapon that he loves it was the blue Team they did this it's there fault he's a monster they Red Army is about to be perished when out of the blue The monster falls to its knees making a crying desperation noise and dies is this is what leads to tom having those speacel eye glasses in the future to allow him to see dead and find out all this informationAll Rights Reserved
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