The story follows the adventures of Ethan Kendrick, charged in his childhood by the enigmatic Jack to protect the Yuh Yi Joo, an individual born able to change an Imoogi chosen by heaven into a Celestial Dragon, from a corrupt Imoogi identified as "Buraki", who was prevented from obtaining it in the past by Ethan and Jack's previous incarnations. To this end, Jack gives Ethan a medallion formerly belonging to Ethan's previous incarnation Haram and reveals that the reincarnated Yuh Yi Joo is Sarah Daniels, whom Ethan will find in Los Angeles. But then Kessie, the dragon rider and who the debt to control anything that is dark an powerful, making them obeying her by her command, never bearing the abusive type to hit animals or people, but she is the key to helping Sarah change her faith before time runs out. (Love and Vote. Thank you)All Rights Reserved
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