Are you afraid of dying...? Are you afraid of the unknown...? or are you just afraid of change...? Euthanasia is a heavily controversial topic but one that is almost always shoved under the rug, I believe that because we have come this far with the legalisation of gay marriage which makes peoples lives better for the duration that they are living it then why not legalise what would make dying if needed that bit better as well. In the following persuasive essay, I present arguments for the reasons why Euthanasia should be legalised while also recognising the reasons why people may be against it. I am heavily for the legalisation of Euthanasia in all countries but especially Australia as it is my home country. I have personally gone through a situation where one of my family members went through the gruelling death of MND (motor neuron disease) this was devastating for everyone that had ever met my uncle or who was closely related to him because everyone knew that he looked heavily on the integrity that he prided himself with daily, so for him to have no choice and have to give up everything that he had ever known for the space of 2 years was devastating, and it changed me for the better. so I am here to make a change for the better of everyone's life, so please if you are reading this where ever you are in the world of at whatever stage of life you are in right now please stop and give it a chance read what I have taken time in writing and the thing that I am extremely proud of and it may even change your life because in the end, it is... your life, your death, and your choice.All Rights Reserved