Praeterito Futurum means Past's Future. The genres for this story are Adventure, Drama, Romance, and Angst.
Emily + Sheri: So, as you know, this is a collaboration work between two authors named Emily Wolff and Sheri May. Emily is writing the even chapters (2, 4, etc.) and chapters in Amelia/Aidian Malfoy's and/or Joss Potter's point of view, and Sheri will be writing the odd chapters(1, 3, etc.) and chapters in Theato/Emrys Riddle's and/or Caelum Longbottom's point of view.
What you need to know before you start reading the story (or else you might be very confused):
This story is a time paradox. Theato Riddle, daughter of Bellatrix Lestrange and Tom Riddle, messes up a homemade apparation spell in an attempt to apparate to Hogsmeade to gain entrance to Hogwarts for her final year, her magic tearing a hole in her time and dragging her to the most stable time in an attempt to fix her mistake, catching three other wizards that were doing magic in the exact same place at the exact same moment during the exact same day of the exact same month (Caelum Longbottom, Jackson Wood and Malcolm Flint) and dragging them to the future with her. She appears in Hogsmeade, around four generations later, in Amelia Malfoy (daughter of Rose Weasley and Scorpius Malfoy) and Joss Potter (son of Albus Potter)'s time. After Theato lands in Amelia Malfoy's time, she finds that the two of them have something very special in common, something that most would shun them for, that they previously thought they were alone in. They have to battle through their seventh year together, and things don't always go the way they plan, especially not friendship or school wise, or romance wise, for that matter.
Essentially, it equals a very confusing, wibbly wobbly timeline.