n. the realisation that you didn't actually know someone as well as you thought you did
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'Look, I never wanted to be a half-blood.
Let's start from the top, shall we?
My name is Cassandra Jackson, but everyone usually calls me Cassie.
I'm 13 years old. Until a few months ago, I was a boarding student at Yancy Academy, a private school for troubled kids in upstate New York. My older twin, Perseus, or Percy, also attended.
Are we both troubled kids?
I guess you could call it that.'
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Cassandra's whole world is turned upside down. Her boyfriend, Luke, has been lying to her since they first met at Yancy Academy. Her father is a god. Her mom just died and... oh yeah! Cassie and her brother supposedly stole Zeus's master bolt.
But as they journey west, questions of who the real thief arise.
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'Gods, huh? I definitely could live without them.'
"In our History. The men have always been dominating the women. We have always been made weak and inferior. Always looked down. As if we created all the issues in the world. When in reality it was them. I'm so tired of our gender being their definition of weak. When in reality we are not equals. We are superior."
Something registered in Alexis. Like everything Athena was saying was making sense.
"Percy Jackson. Ask her the question you two were asked so long ago when you were saving your Satyr friend." Somehow I knew exactly what question she was referring to. I was still registering what was being said. I looked to Alexis. "Would you turn on Olympus?"
She hesitated for a moment. Her eyes never left Athena's.
"I'd burn it all down to the ground without hesitation."
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I had a Quest. Save Percy Jackson. He can't leave the Underworld without my help. I had to go alone. To save Percy I knew what I had to do.
I had to die.