Shawn Costello Golf will tell you about the 5 most mysterious places on earth. These are the some of the most mysterious places on earth. There are places which are said to be extremely scary and haunted, people have witnessed some mysterious and/or terrifying events there. These places can chills your spine. Shawn Costello Golf is advising you to avoid these creepy places. 1: Area 51 Secret Military Base, famously known as Area 51. It is said to be the home to a captured fleet of alien flying saucers and alien bodies - after the infamous Roswell UFO crashed in 1947. 2: Superstition Mountains As per the legend in 1800s, a German immigrant named Jacob Walts discovered a gold mine inside the mountains but did not discuss the whereabouts of that mine with anyone, until his deathbed, upon which he may or may not have told a single person the secret. 3: South Atlantic Anomaly South Atlantic Anomaly is also known as Bermuda Triangle in Space. It is one of the most dangerous areas of radiation ever encountered. 4: Lake Anjikuni Lake Anjikuni is considered to be very mysterious. In the early 1930's, a fur trapper named Joe Labelle reported that a village near the lake was abandoned by the villagers. 5: The Devil Sea The Devil Sea is also known as Dragon's Triangle. It is known as dragon's triangle due to the ancient legends suggesting that dragons living off the coast of Japan.All Rights Reserved