13 parti Completa Selena is a nineteen years old Texan teenager who would like to attend Columbia University. In her High School she definitely wasn't the 'it Girl', she doesn't have many friends. She she has never been out of Texas and before moving to New York she wants to see the world; that's why she flies to Canada, hosted ( through an association ) by a family named Bieber. She lives there for a year, making new experiences. What she wants is to change herself, make new friends, become more confident and less insecure; she expects everything except love: a relationship is right now what she isn't looking for! But what happens when she meets Justin, the Mr Bieber's firstborn son? Though he has a very different personality the spark flies between them... but the distance, the different ages and the incompatible lives are something they have to deal with.
All rights reserved. © 2013 by Selena Marie Bieber.