Tobias Eaton (four) still grieves for his girlfriend, Beatrice Prior (Tris)'s death. Tris watches Tobias from the place where you are supposed to never mourn, where you never miss anything from the earth or in tris's case, the city of Chicago, heaven (the golden city). Tris wants to return to Chicago city to be with Tobias, to unlock the truth of her death and to kill the killer.
i walk up to the waterful, where i first kissed her. she looked beautiful then, just as she always has. when she told me i was too old for her, even though it was only 2 years. thats when i look across and see her.
i must be halucinating. She's dead. She's gone. i saw her body, i touched her cold, lifeless hands. i went down the horrid zipline, spread her ashes.
im dreaming.
this isnt real.
"Tobias! im back! its me!"
she never talks in my dreams unless she is hurting me.