All species accepted, EXAMPLES: Neko, Human, Furry, Vampire, Werewolf, Tentacle Monster, Demon, Khajit ( Skyrim yay ), blablabla...BUT! There are some rules...
---It has to be yaoi---
---There will be pages with characters, in each RP there can be up to 5 people, but someone has to be the character on the page that they are RPing on---
---Each page can only have up to 5 RPs, if there are already 5 on the page you want, ask to join one that has less than 5 people in it!---
---NO bathroom stuff, that's nasty! ( unless it's something like bathing or showering together, that's ok )---
---Please, if your character has ANYTHING to do with Fortnite, just leave. I don't care if I get hate for this, but I'm just gonna say it. Fortnite is garbage!---