Nathan Raschke lives a modest life just outside of a humble city with friendly neighbors and a perfect place for his house to be. He can always find entertainment for himself by walking around his gorgeous neighborhood, relaxing in the luxurious lake behind his house, or by preparing a delicious meal. While a strange buzzing in his ear begins to annoy him - an emotion he isn't used to - and while there is a strange man named Dr. Procyon in town who angers him - something else that he isn't used to - these things are very easy for him to ignore. For the rest of his life is a good one - one that is beyond good - and he cherishes it. This is the life that Nathan Raschke lives. Or is it?
"Disillusionment" © 2014, Dawson Holloway. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form or by any means without the prior written permission of the author. All characters, settings, and story line has been created by the author's imagination. Resemblance to any celebrity, living or dead, story or place is purely coincidentalAll Rights Reserved