What if John Kramer had a daughter? What if that daughter had fallen in love with Adam before his untimely doom? Could things have turned out different? "I wanna stay like this forever." A smile danced on my lips as my hands tangled with the brunettes. "I'm sorry baby, but I got work." "I love you Adam." "ADAM! Amanda! Why is he there?!" Sobs racked through my body as a feeling of suffocation racked my entire body. My lungs burned as I couldn't seem to take a deep breath of oxygen. "Why?!" At this point I had begun to hyperventilate. "I'm sorry Siren it's the rules." Amanda said walking out of the room leaving me to eventually knock myself out from lack of air. He was my everything, my reason for waking up, my reason for believing the sun will rise with each coming morning, he was my inspiration for hope, but without him I felt empty and pathetic. "I love you.."All Rights Reserved