I suggest finishing all the chapters before reading this. I also suggest that you should read the story in the Love Nikki app rather than reading these summaries. If you want a bio of the characters I suggest going to this website, http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Characters/LoveNikkiDressUpQueen (note this website currently does not have all the characters but has most of them). I will try to update this 1-3 days after a chapter comes out. *Extra Notes* This story is completely chapter summaries and won't give extra facts about characters unless it is said in the chapters. I will use their new names as of January 2018. I will only have summaries of the Love Nikki server and won't have chapters that haven't released yet. the chapter summaries does include side characters like Timi. If I get anything wrong (lore or grammar wise) please tell me and I will fix it.