Delve into the world of one girl with two lives. One in a supernatural town, one in Hollywood. Violet Belaguarde is a Seraph. An angel sent down to Earth in order to rid it of all things evil, including kanimas, nogitsunes, and especially werewolves. She is sent to Beacon Hills (because of its recent record of supernatural occurrences) disguised as a teen in the high school. Little did she know she would meet Isaac Lahey, the person she would unintentionally fall in love with and the person she was assigned to kill. Lena Hill is an aspiring actress. When she lands a role in MTV's most popular series, Teen Wolf, as Violet Belaguarde, her acting career is set and her life becomes more and more terrific by the second. However, Lena's love life can be nothing but the least bit confusing. Is she falling for Daniel, her love interest on screen and maybe off as well? Or Dylan, the funny, quirky boy that makes her feel one of a kind, but is already taken by another? Follow the story of Lena and her character Violet as you read about the storyline of season 4 (Teen Wolf Season 4) and the moments that happen off screen (Reality)