'An amazing thing about this kingdom was, other than being impossible to ever find, was that it was considered perfectly acceptable to be gay. The fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh sons were gay, with the seventh being bi. The daughter herself was a lesbian, and always surrounded herself with the prettiest women she ever saw, often finding them while riding on her horse through villages. This is where our story begins.' The story of a romance between a princess and her maid (yes, girlxgirl). Includes fantasy! First in a series. This is a completed story. (I will be editing however)
Kara (security expert), Alex (art recovery agent), Sam (authenticator), and Winn (IT) launch into an investigation of a daring thief who commits crimes in broad daylight and stages them to embarrass the victims. As they work to recover the art, they find details in the thief's thefts that shed them in a slightly different light. Finding the identity of the thief will be a double-edged sword. Reforming the thief will be a lifetime's work.