Where two ex- childhood bestfriends try to fight their unfathomable love they have for each other after an unexpected incident at Survivor Series, which tore their lives apart...
He pulled me by my neck until our lips were dangerously close to each other, "No matter whatever you do babe..", he sneered looking at my eyes with his angry, hurt, lustful, regretful ones, "..Im gonna reclaim whats mine and only MINE!..", his eyes fell on my lips which was trembling in fear, "And reclaim every inch of you..", he gripped my hair making me whimper, "I'll reclaim YOU..", his brown orbs once again met my blue ones, "I will reclaim what I lost!"
"Oh Roman can I tell you something?" I asked. Dean got up but I sat him down.
"Stay here." I say to him.
"Ok." Dean said.
"Yes?" Roman asked.
"I....I...I like you." A little voice came out. As I look down. Roman lifts my chin up with his finger and hugs me.