What is Heatless Desiccant Air Dryers?
Heatless Desiccant Dryers is also called as Regenerative Desiccant Dryers, Twin Tower Dryer and lesser extent adsorption dryer these dryer provide simplest way to clean a factory by drying compressed air. Heatless desiccant dryer are extremely reliable with very low maintenance and also have few moving parts. In Desiccant air dryer compressed air pass through a twin tower pressure vessels which is filled with desiccant material such as silica gel, activated alumina, or molecular sieve.
Heatless dryers installed with generally a small footprint or we can say it take less space of valuable factory floor. There is no need for constant supervision in heatless desiccant dryers because it doesn't need replacement for approximately 5 years. Heatless Air dryers is also known as twin tower dryer and both tower work separately like while first tower is in use then the second tower purge air to regenerate and the biggest cost of installing these dryers is this purge air accounts for approximately 15% of the processed air.
Types of Heatless Desiccant Air Dryers
• Heatless (no internal or external heaters)
• Heated (internal or external heaters
Role and Features
• Dew point achieved - 40˚C
• Compact and can be mounted on wall
• Low power consumption
• Lightweight Aluminum construction, no rusting
• Specially graded desiccants for optimum performance
• Equipped with pre filter & internal post filter
• Quality as per ISO 8573.1 class 3
• Range from 5 CFM to 100 CFM
Annair Drychill Tech (I) Pvt, Ltd Mumbai Manufacture Company Unit No. 101, I Wing, Plot - K1, Udyog Bhavan-2, Additional M.I.D.C, Anandnagar, Ambernath East, Thane- 421506, Maharashtra, India. Undoubtedly it is one of the best Manufacturer Company in Mumbai.
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