Bubbles and Boomer were a childhood friend. They always spend time together. Boomer always there with her when she was crying and being bullied. One day, Bubbles move to another town called Townslivile... Then they never meet again... Its been 15 years they've apart and now they are 17 year old... Bubbles never forget about him. She always missed him... but did he miss her? Then one day, Bubbles was walking thourgh the cold street and she just brought her hot drink, she was on her way to Blossom's house... cause they having a sleepover... as she was walking she look at her left and she was bumped to a guy...And her hot drink splash to that guy's clothes... "HYE!" He said "I-iam really s-s-s-sorry" She said and bowed "Aghh! watch your step girl..." He said and when she look up to face that guy... They both feel like know each other.... Then the guy leave... Do you guys thinks that it is him?🤔🤔 Or someone else?😏😏 Are they gonna meet again?🤔🤔 Are they gonna fall in love?😍😍😍 I know you all know that they surely gonna end up together... but is it true?🤔🤔😏😏 Wanna find out? READ IT TILL THE END😍😍😉😉All Rights Reserved