VocaBulary Casters- humans with magical abilities. Grazers- an alien species that hates casters. This story takes place on another earth in the multiverse. Earth-5 to be exact. On earth 5 the technology is very advanced so the technology in the past was already very advanced. Background stories : 80 years ago a bunch of casters went to mars. While they were there they discovered Grazers, an alien species that was even more dark and demented than any other. and the casters slaughtered most of them, but a few lived. Those who did, breeded, and their species grew immensely. Now they hate all of humankind especially casters. Years ago a large group of them even came to Earth to kill all casters. The casters who lived through the gruesome attacks, hid their abilities and when they had children most of them never told their children what they were capable of and even cast spells so their children couldn't use their powers. The casters were very nervous that the grazers would return one day and kill all of their families. 22 year old Brooklyn smith's parents died when she was Fifteen years old. All her life she thought about the accident that killed them, but when she finds out they were murdered. Now in 2021 Brooke and her best belle go in search if the people who killed her parents.Tous Droits Réservés
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