The "Incident" Gina Mavens faced in her hometown three years ago made her leave Sugar Grove for good. Now finished with her junior year of college, Gina looks forward to summer vacation where she can put more focus on her old secret talent; however, this does not come without her facing everything that she once left behind. Only choosing to return home after dealing with a relationship that failed because of her lack of love, Gina starts to question everything she thought she knew about love and relationships. By returning to Sugar Grove, she attempts to find answers by trying to understand the "incident" that happened that summer long ago, but her detective skills begin to unravel when the one person who started it all also returns home, reveals her secret to the world, and everything changes.
Shane Henson returns to Sugar Grove after touring with his newly famous band Three Words. Making it in the music industry is fun, but not without it's challenges. After a scarring accident while on tour, Shane's agent booked him some time home to recover. While battling the stress, torment, and pain he wonders whether he will ever be able to write and play music the same way. His girlfriend, the famous actress, Tricia King is worried sick over him. After talking about ways of relieving the stress, his therapist advises Shane to write stories about his happiest memories. Though believing it to be a stupid and cheap tactic, Shane takes the advice, but each of his stories keep turning into songs. Good, crowd pleasing songs. He also runs into a tiny problem, all of these songs are about the girl he left behind three years ago. Gina Mavens.
What happens when Gina is coincidentally put back into the spotlight? Read Three Years Later to find out!
Bey has been in prison for a year and knows that she in innocent and constantly reminds the people around her of this but no one believes her because of her behaviour. Without Carter she had become the dangerous woman she once was but now it's even worse, she's getting into fights, seducing officers and is slowly turning mad as she lives in her own bitter and twisted mind. Carter has become very cut off from his family and friends while living to a very strict schedule and drowning himself in work. Because of Bey's terrible behaviour she is not allowed guests and stays mostly kept away from other inmates. This is all until the real murderer is caught, John Mayers. He is a killer who has killed a dozen people and managed to get away with it but as his life begins to end due to an illness he decides to tell the truth and admits that he is the one who killed the Knowles. After another investigation he is found guilty and a now 24 (almost 25) Beyonce is free to go with her record wiped. But before she can continue with her aspirations to become a teacher and have a family she and Carter must find a way to get back to the people they were before she went to jail. She is 'evil' and he has become a strict workaholic. The second book tells the story of their journey to a better version of themselves which they can only achieve with each other but can they do it?