I....I don't remember anything, except my home collapsing. After that, everything goes black. I woke up in the woods, deep in the woods, nervous, scared, and confused. It was dark, and cold, and...that's it. That's what happened. I later found out that I ended up...well....it's hard to explain. It was different than your average disappearance, or a drunk wandering off after leaving a bar.....no.....no this was different. I was home, then not. I don't know what's happening, where I am, how I got here, and......and so much more. I want my questions answered, but there's no people, no buildings, just me, and the whispers.
"What is this" he asks, his voice is calm, but his expressions is anything but that.
There were multiple gasps in the room, when he suddenly flings the magazine's he has in his hand
what has me in daze were not the pictures but the title
Atticus Fawn to be wedded to Autumn Rivera
" I am getting married to a women, I don't want to marry. "
I try hard to fight the ache in my heart caused by his question. I knew he was not in love with me I was the one in love with him.
"Have some respect to your future wife and daughter in law of this family" His mother snaps
Atticus takes a step toward his mother his eyes flashes Anger " the only women I will marry is Anya, no one else. "
He doesn't say anything after this as he stroms out of the room.
my eyes follows him until I can't see him anymore.