Years later, childhood friends Riley and Taehyung reunite to fulfill a promise which was long forgotten...... .................................................................................................................................................................. "You want to know the reason why I'm here, right? Well, I'm here to fulfill the promise which I made to my best friend...the girl...who was there for me when everyone used to criticize me as a weird kid or a skinny boy. She used to tell m.e that there's nothing wrong in being skinny because she was skinny as well. She was my rock, she helped me stand whenever I used to fall hard on my face and used to encourage me not to give up. We both were there with each other when everyone used to criticize us and bully us. Even when I went back to Korea, the thought of her made me keep going, mostly the thing which kept me alive. Whenever some bully used to come, I used to think about her by my side and what she might have done. Whatever I am today, right now and at this moment! Is because of her. I know I was not there for her when she needed me the most. But now, I'm here with save her from every type of danger and be her rock which she can lean on...when feeling vulnerable. Those 12 years of my life, were horrible without you, PeriPeri. I don't want to...continue that life...anymore. It's too stay alive in that situation." .................................................................................................................................................................. We hope you enjoy the fanfic💜😊All Rights Reserved