Cover by JadeQueen100
For Gabriel, it all started with an Academy mission.
When twenty-three-year-old Sang Sorenson visited the hospital for the first time, she was shocked by how kind everyone was. Doctor Roberts had been incredibly gentle and hadn't said a word about her old scars, nor did he get frustrated when she had no idea what to do. Even when she was unable to fill out all of the paperwork he was patient- and a little bit too joyous.
Why? Well, Sang is a ghost. The perfect spy.
Knowing this, Doctor Roberts kept a close watch on her until he could get someone out there to feel her out for recruitment. Aka, Gabriel Coleman.
That mission turned into so much more for those two as the night progressed until Gabriel wasn't sure she should join the Academy. Sang would make an amazing member, yes, but the dangers she would face... Gabriel couldn't imagine it.
Four months later, and the Academy still doesn't have Sang. Gabriel does. They've been dating happily for some time, but tonight, things will change. Luke is getting curious about their youngest brother's disappearances, and Victor is more than happy to help investigate...
When an archeology student accidently gets added in a groupchat full of f1 drivers.
When Charles Leclerc falls for the stranger in the groupchat
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