Just in case you're sane enough to read this unsual tragic roller coaster, feel free to do so. But heed my warning, it will not be your choice of a love story. After the accident that happened on the way home from the airport, Ax had a selective amnesia. unfortunately, he forgot all of his memories with his current girlfriend, Liv, instead it was replaced with his memories of his ex. Not only that, Liv questioned her sanity after that accident since she started seeing an arrogant angel (those benevolent celestial beings), an amnesiaic ghost (I don't know why Liv has to be surrounded with people/ghost who suffers under that condition), and more uninvited anonymous ghosts (those creepy things I thought would only be seen in the movies. The angel asked Liv to guide the ghost to his physical body and in return the Angel will solve Liv's problem with her boyfriend. Then, why not the angel just solve the problem directly, right?
but everything happens for a reason, either it'll be a blessing.... or a lesson.