Memory loss, chronic pain, tremors. These three characteristics of Darren Stratt's illness raise the difficulty of Darren's exodus from the United States, a country that has decided he is "subhuman" and "imperfect", just like anyone else the government finds to be mentally or physically ill (and even illness itself is subject to the government's definition).
Darren has been running for months, now, making his way to Canada, Liverpool, Germany, and now... well, he doesn't know. All he knows is that he isn't where he wants to be: Queensland, Australia, safe and sound in the arms of his beloved Sara McKenzie.
Complicating matters is the mysterious, terrifying Renewer fog that has been spreading across the world, created by strange bombs the United States has deployed. Buildings turn to dust, humans turn to monsters, and the sky turns a sickening purple when the fog is present. No one understands the Renewer; its creator, Damian Crane, is nowhere to be found.
Helpful reminders as you read:
(subject to change & be updated w/the release of chapters)
Main characters:
1. Charlie (woman) - She has light features, recessive genes. She is a mistake in the genetic pool, yet b/c of her lineage she has all of the rulings of an aristocrat.
2. Aero (man) - Dark features, thick eyebrows. Colonel and Charlie's fiance.
3. Rhys (man) - Charlie's best friend.
4. Senator Holm (man) - One of many senators that work directly with President Malcolm Bouchard.
5. 273 (man) - Peat. Dark features. Chocolate brown curls. Tattoos whipped out of place. Emerald green eyes.
* Plebeian - a lower class individual, the lowest class. Marked by light physical features and high spirits!
* Aristocrat - an upper class individual. Marked by dark physical features and perfect skin.
*Peat - an individual that has both plebeian and aristocratic blood, usually from rape. Marked by a number on the side of his/her neck.
* Defect - a derogatory name given to nobles when they appear less than average.
* D.O.C. - the day of correction set to kill off those that don't look perfect
* Corpse flower - a flower that has been rumored to possess the components to correct the genetic error found in Sybaran.
* Silver knickle - currency in Nephraim
* G-shot- the shot that corrects defects.
* The Oval - is the center of the world, the government. President Malcolm Bouchard works here.
Basis and facts throughout the story:
Pieces from the Old World are forbidden. Those with lighter hair follicles and iris colors are considered problematic; skin tone is no longer the issue. Every race has the ability to be born with lighter features, so there's no prejudice against race. Just physical features. Sybaran is the continent; Nephraim (home village) , Salem (stricter division, where Aero was born), Mieich, and Shankrai, are the 4 subdivisions (countries) of Sybaran that we have so far.