A poem for my long-furred, black and white cat, Cosmos. We got him many years ago from a shelter who appeared to take little care of him and his brother. My family bought Cosmos, but we could not get his brother (we don't know what happened to his brother).
When we brought Cosmos home, he was very sick and frightened, and it didn't help that our other cats, Lenny and Squiggy, weren't as welcoming of Cosmos. Squiggy, for the most part, was the nicest in ignoring the young kitten. Lenny, however, hated Cosmos. He'd hiss and bite at anyone and anything, only scaring Cosmos further.
Now, over a decade and a half later, Cosmos is almost what you'd call fearless; he is strong, and is not afraid to scratch back should any threaten him.
This is my first 'good' poem. I'm not the greatest, but I put my heart in this one.