LOVE! "Love brings up emotions that run the gamut from agony to ecstasy. Love can inspire us to accomplish some of the craziest and most amazing feats. Love can make you happier than you've ever been, sadder than you've ever been, angrier than you've ever been. It can elate you and deflate you almost at the same time. " ~Anonymous "Love is everywhere. It just needs to be found. True love happens when your thoughts are clouded by the moments you spend with that person. Your every prayer includes them. But identifying that true love is the hardest and confessing it is more. But it becomes easy when you are sure of your love." Rankings as on 17/06/2018- Rank 1 in Shantanu Maheshwari Rank 2 in Vrushika Mehta Rank 8 in Vrushan Rank 18 in Swaron and Rank 23 in D3