Being the childhood friend of Harry Styles isn't easy, even though he dosent remember Leilira Thorne. Running into him after 3 years isn't easy ether. Will she try to get him to remember her or just forget about him, even with old feelings coming back?
"Harry?" Leilira said, her voice coming out barley as a whisper.
"What?" Harry said, his eyes showing confusion.
"Never mind, i would have figured. You would have remembered your childhood best friend. But i guess you changed, the Idea of famous went straight to your head " Leilira said, feeling bad after the words came out of her mouth.
"Love, i dont even know you." Harry said, laughing. Thinking she was kidding.
"Harry Styles, being famous went to your head, must have caused brain damage." Leilira said, stalking off. leaving Harry confused more than ever.
"Who was she?" That was what Harry Thought.
"I knew i had to get you whatever the pain." Harry said, to himself.
"Jerk." Leilira Said, outraged that her own childhood friend didn't know her.