Exactly as the title says. just a compilation of information from my original characters that will be usually used in roleplay. Theft of them will have absolute no tolerance. I seldom create original characters to a belong to a particular fandom, therefore they all live in my personal world instead.
I'll add a proper cover later.
I write fast and English's not really my mother language, so the occasional mistake may be noted. Many of those original characters contain sensitive, adult topics (including dark ones such as rape or abuse). I want to know that, before you read any OC that's particularly "edgy" or "dark", that I'm not romanticizing what they do or what they have done. Those things are awful and you should seek help have you been prejudiced by them. For this reason, all OCs will have their sets of trigger warnings over things that may disturb you. Evil OCs are interesting from a psychological perspective and tragic backstories aren't too off-limits for me. Again, be aware I do not support ANY of what happens. Fiction can be a portrayal of real life and issues in it, but fiction is fiction, not actual reality, and you shouldn't apply any of what happens to it. Pornographic content can be mentioned in some.