L o o k t h i s m i g h t b e s h o c k i n g... b u t . . . i l o v e s tr a i g h t s h i p s XD so..you see... since i did 3 frans fanfics (undertale) i started thinking...how about fnaf? this is a phoneguy x purplegirl thing :') dont mind me *ahem* !WARNING! THIS IS ONLY FANMADE-- dont mind the grammars The moments Thecringe *sneeze* Anyways,read my frans stories! Like it or not i guess *wheeze* that's enough from cookie. *chokes from air* There's..violence... I mean..its fnaf..of course there's violence . . . REEEEEEEE This is a story collaboration of me and my best friend Rebecca Charollete. Check her out~ this is the story description: Violet Afton,known as Purple Girl, killed 5 children. Nobody Knew about This except for the Phone Guy,Scott. He tried to put her in jail but he has no proof. Since the incident happend, they became enemies...Why didnt violet kill him when he found out? wellwereabouttofindout =)All Rights Reserved