Everyone wants to get their home designed for it to be functional and beautiful in minute detail. It is a human need that is inherent and important. A designed space takes into account all the functionality and makes it aesthetic too. One needs to keep in mind many things for all the areas of the home while designing it. Broadly a good Interior design has to be based on following elements, Space, Line, Form, light, Texture, Pattern, and Color. Space Space is the most important elements of interior design. The entire interior design is made around it. Space is divided into two types namely - Two Dimensional Spaces which covers the floor and Three Dimensional Spaces which forms the living. A space that is essentially filled with furniture items is an affirmative Space and an empty space is a downbeat Space. A visual balance must be maintained between the affirmative and downbeat spaces and either overcrowding or skimping on the furniture/décor items is going to affect this equilibrium. Line Lines create forms and establishing a sense of harmony, contrast, and unity in a living space. They are visual guides for an interior space. Lines are Horizontal, Vertical and Dynamic. Horizontal lines embellish furniture like tables, chairs, and beds, vertical lines are windows, doorways, and almirahs. While horizontal lines add a safe and secure feeling to the space, vertical lines make space expansive in nature. Dynamic or angular lines, add drama and motion can be seen on structures like stairs. A person designing makes use of these lines to define the forms.