That One Night *Justin Bieber FanFic*
  • Membaca 24
  • Suara 0
  • Bagian 1
  • Durasi 7m
  • Membaca 24
  • Suara 0
  • Bagian 1
  • Durasi 7m
Sedang dalam proses, Awal publikasi Apr 15, 2014
The year of 2014 was suppose to be a year for losing thirty pounds from the 160 I weigh now. At five seven, I feel a bit overweight and want to change my ways. But Fridays will still be Fridays, I thought to myself as the water starts to boil and I dump in the noodles for the macaroni. My apartment was small and for a rent cost of around seven hundred dollars a month, it was in decent shape. I just could get over the loneliness of the rooms. The walls were built so that no sound of the neighbors were heard. I thought I would like it that way.

Turns out it only makes my thoughts in my head worse. Silly me.

Ashley McHale is a girl who can't seem to get her stuff together. With depression and suicidal thoughts pressuring her and her job boring and dull as a editor she wants more but is stuck in her little apartment hiding from the world most days. The mentally unstable twenty five year old is on a walk one night when she rescues a little girl from getting hit by a car. Not knowing she just saved the child of a man who rapped her at the after-party of prom..
Can she ever find it in her heart to forgive?
Or did she have it all wrong from the beginning?
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