After the war in 3595, half of the population is dead, and a quarter of the surviving people are in hidding. Including all the kids. With there being the hidden role, there is the followers, the healers, the leaders, and the seekers. Seekers seach for those who are hidden and take them to the leader. Their are secret roles as well. Prisoners, gladiators, servants, and projects.
Only special hidden kids get to become projects. That included Lily, a small girl with long, black hair, freckles along her pale skin, and below her amber eyes. They chose her for her scars. When seekers attempted to capture her, she fought with pure bravery, and she fought with a spear made from thick wood and stone. Projects that are like her are experimented on by injections.
She isn't the only project with a brutal personality. She also finds out a dark secret that can frighten the strongest animal or living creature on all of planet Earth. Something that could happen to her is she doesn't escape in the small time she has.