'The depth of darkness to which you can descend and still live is an exact measure of the height to which you can aspire to reach.' ~ Pliny The Elder
The kingdom of Thralmere suffers under the tyrannical rule of King Braeden and his family. His eldest son, Prince Fabron who makes sport out of hunting dragons and a skilled master of weaponry intended for mythical creatures. His daughter Princess Varian who has a taste for new lands, intnent on expanding Thralmere's borders, brutally if necessary. And his youngest child, still an infant, the Prince Yarin who is showing signs of magic ability. Ability which he probably inherited from his mother, Queen Nathalia who is so powerful she can cast curses on cities far away, bring death to an enemy she has never met, and spin spells over entire kingdoms. Why do you think her husband is still on the throne? He encompasses all these talents and more. Nobody in the kingdom questions his rule, because nobody has a problem with it or has full knowledge of his evil's existence, let alone its extent. Well, I say nobody. A small group of (mostly) people have escaped the spell, quite forcefully. Perhaps 'cast out' is a better term. And among those people, a few individuals hide. Not very successfully, as they are wanted dead or alive by the kingdom's guards. And among those criminals is one man.
Who has done nothing illegal, yet is an outlaw.
Who is never seen, but dresses as dark as a thief's pocket.
Who may just make a difference, yet doesn't intend to.