Raevan Snow, a Stark bastard and Jon's twin sister, is the only one besides Ned who knows of their true lineage. Ned entrusted her the knowledge of their Targaryen father because she is much wiser than Jon and is less reckless. She's raised as a Stark because of the fact that she's a woman and Catelyn liking her since she was a baby. She's treated better than Jon because Catelyn takes a liking to her and Ned is very protective of her due to her being a woman. Even though she is a woman, her dresses are not girly. She prefers to be seen as tough, not helpless. She is the fire. Her hair is proof of that. He is the Hound. His face is proof of that. But people shouldn't be judged on their looks, especially if those looks were because of someone harming them. *ON HOLD*