When you're in high school, you learn about American Literature, the Revolutionary War, and about more drama. Honestly, I think I know about drama, more than I do for my Romeo and Juliet test. My name is Katie Bundy, I'm a junior at Ravenswood high school, and one of the three Drum Majors for our marching band.
When you deal with the marching band for 6 days a week, you're ready to shoot someone. Then you have my friend Diana, whose my best friend ever. We met last year when she came to our school and joined our monster of a band. Not to mention we have 5 classes together.
And knowing our senior Drum Major, Adam, you would know what snobbish is. He's our rich, good looking, and talented drum major. When I first met him in 8th grade he was a freshman, and was the geek of the band. And now, he's the surfer boy of the band. Girls swoon over him, trying to get his attention in any way possible.
But, he goes for the girl who doesn't ever care for his looks. The one who doesn't swoon over his every move. You guessed it, me!