7 parts Complete Everyone has them. The days when you feel a lot like crap. "I'm fat, I'm ugly" run through your mind all day, making you shrink into yourself, afraid that someone will comment. Afraid someone will be mean. But what if you were already gorgeous? What if you were already loved? And you didn't know it yet?
Written by a gal who's struggled through self-consciousness herself, this book will take you through a long but rewarding journey through Christ: learning to love yourself.
Even if you're not a Christian, Katrina Hunter's advice will help you walk through your day with a little more self-esteem. So whether you believe in God or only yourself, try reading this book today.
{I wrote this myself. Do not use without written permission except for reviews in which quotes may not exceed 200 characters (unless you have written permission for a longer quote). Thank you.}
Categories: Christian, self-worth, love, romance, self-help, counseling, inner beauty, outer beauty