“If you had a million years to do it, you couldn't rub out even half the “fuck you signs in the world. It’s impossible” - J.D Salinger You see I've vandalized once too. Once. It was in blood red spray paint at exactly 12:00 in the afternoon. The large letters said fuck you behind the local milk bar, although I really didn't want to fuck anyone. The meaning had been brutally stolen from them. Walking to school and hearing kids say “I want fuck this and that” and who knows what, had been enough for me to realize where humans had progressed in linguistics. Honestly it’s funny how things have shaped out to be. You see I've been told theirs 2 types of people in the world: People who keep things simple and people who complicate things. But the thing is we don’t like simple people, pure honesty is a fear. You've probably heard or read autobiographies of the queen and who knows who. But this is life as you know it.All Rights Reserved