"Great are the Gods,... Holy are the Gods,... Magnificent is their Glory,... They are Kind,... They are Loving,... Merciful... O Creator! When will we be saved from your children. Goddess Eternal we beg you! Most Perfect! You alone the Almighty! Deliver us from your kin. For they are Merciful. So Merciful..."
Who or What created us?... Why did they create us?... Tira adopted by the King's Advisor, is taken down a strange path in her life. Placed in a world of war and unrest. She is the cure the world has been waiting for.
From a very young age Tira is taught the ways of combat. As a prodigy, the woman of wonder is thought to be the one of prophecy. Rising up in the King's ranks quickly she finds herself summoned by a Ruler many have never seen.
Now in the company of similar people. Tira discovers amazing yet terrifying truths. Could there really be other children born of gods? Have the Masters of Dracon come back? And if the universe really is plunging into darkness, what could the chosen few do about it?
(This is a story I'm currently writing. I'd love to know what you all think so far. Part one isn't done, but I want to know what you think of what's here. There's much more to come.)