In the summer holidays between Year 12 and 13, Himari receives the devastating news of her boyfriends' death. Having hidden the relationship from her parents for the entire previous year due to not being allowed to date until done with her education, Himari is forced into hiding her emotions and continuing her life as normally as she can. Though inwardly, she is broken.
On beginning school again, Himari feels the emptiness of her lovers' absence, but soon discovers that she can pretend he is still alive. After all, when he was alive, he was so chronically socially awkward he would hide from her and most of their peers most of time, only emerging occasionally to walk her home.
Himari begins to counter her loneliness by texting him on wattsapp, the only social media he used, during the day, and every night, telling him about her day and how much she misses him, something she never did when he was alive. She begins to slowly realise how empty their relationship had been, and how many regrets she has. Yet somehow, pretending he is there somehow allows her to get through her remaining year of compulsory education.