"The Sun & The Moon" is a regular anime-styled story where the protagonist, a girl named Luni, notices that she's been running into the antagonistic, a boy named Shion, coincidentally. As the meet-ups become more daily, they go neck-to-neck while not realizing that one is adapting to the other. Will Luni shine enough to brighten up Shion? Or will Shion drive Luni into a dark phase?
Characters: Luni, Shion, Lala, "CD", Catus, and Cloud.
Directors: @starsuuu and @mr0m3galul (Insta)
Amazing Helpers: @catus_cultis, @cutedorito, @_.justlala._, and @cloudwodh. (Insta)
Dragonwall's queen no longer remembers who she is. Her magic is locked away at the hands of an evil sorcerer. Kane hoped to deal the drengr monarchy a heavy blow. He sent its queen away as bait, counting on King Talon to go after her. After all, what is a king without his queen?
Everyone is counting on Lord Reyr to maintain the kingdom's biggest ruse. He must rule in Talon's stead. But he's not the only one wearing a perfectly crafted disguise. After all, there are two thrones in Kastali Dun that need filling.
Meanwhile, the hunt to reclaim the dragonstones begins. If the hunters fail, then everything will fall apart. Racing against time, Dragonwall's rulers must save a kingdom on the brink of crumbling. Unfortunately, they might already be too late.