Choose your Destiny (Raiden x OC) Part 2 : Where It all collides
15 جزء
undefined أجزاء إكمال للبالغينTwo years after Shao Kahn's defeat, the Earthrealm has to face an old new enemy : the Fallen God Shinnok. Raiden, the Thunder God, and Sakuya, the Nature Goddess, will have to unite with the Special Forces lead by Sonya Blade to protect Earthrealm and save the souls of the fallen kombatants from Quan Chi's spell. At the same time, Raiden and Sakuya will have to deal with the internal conflicts that they share in their fragile relationship.
/!\ This is the sequel of Choose your destiny Chapter 1 : Where it all begins /!\
/!\ All the characters (except Sakuya) and the universe belong to the Netherrealm Studios and Noob Saibot /!\
/!\ The story takes place during Mortal Kombat 10 /!\