Ajax Fielder joins the Marines with a haunting nightmare of his brother, Troy, who is MIA, in the grips of death constantly waking him in the middle of the night. Ajax wants to find his brother and make his dad, a former Marine, and his missing brother proud, but when he and two of his best friends in boot, Nick and Derek, are taken out of boot camp in the middle of their training, he knows something is wrong. The three are shipped over to Afghanistan for an urgent and confidential mission where Ajax questions the fact that maybe he was never destined to be a Marine, that maybe he should have taken up one of the many college scholarships for football, but he continues on. Every day, he gets more and more discouraged, constantly asking himself "was it worth it?" And "what if Troy's dead?" Little does he know that someone he thought was his best friend will betray him. He must find who really will be his brother until the end.