" Love can make you
do anything ".
You would have definitely read many books about how heartbreaker have broken girl's heart . But , have you ever wondered what is there in heart of the heartbreaker?
Well here, is an insight in the heart of heartbreaker.
* Disclaimer: This is not a story for vulnerable people. I myself have cried endlessly while writing it. This is an emotional story. But if you are brave enough then go ahead and give it a try. *
" Marry me, Bright ", I love messing with her . since childhood I have been asking the same question every day to her in hope that one day , one beautiful day she will say yes.Taking in her silence as her way of consideration my heart leaped ten foots ahead of my hot body.
Is this the beautiful day I have dreamt about in my dreams my entire life. Looking around I found Mrs Bright pinching Mr Bright's right ear . Father-in-law you have to improve your old ninja skills or be patient for a few more minutes for those mouth-watering pancakes
Turning around I saw my little eleven years old brother-in-law coming down the stairs from his bedroom rubbing his eyes in spider man's shorts and with a naked chest. I can see he's already following my footsteps.
"A picture will last more ", he pushed himself in between her sister and me while smirking. Definitely my footsteps.
"Man let me watch some television you know the thing behind you", And thats it . I was sharing a moment with my soon to be wife.I pointed my index finger accused ly at him."Brother-in-law is watching television worth it when your sister is saying yes to marrying me ", he grimaced at the word brother-in-law with pure disgust he whined, " Mom, mommy, MOMA Waterfield is picking on me again ".
Brother-in-law you cannot become a man with your girlish yelps . I scowled my eyebrows at his whining. As if taking what I have scowled for he stomped off but not before saying loudly, " Lily , please don't say yes ".