"It's a little thing I like to call rainbow pride, hon. Learn about it sometime and get some, why don't you?"
When you think of rainbows, what do you think of? The bright thing in the sky after a rainstorm? The Spongebob "Imagination" meme? Countless hours spent trying to remember the order of colors as a child? ROYBGV, sweetie, ROYGBV. But for some of us, a rainbow means something else.
For us, the rainbow is our battle armor. It's the flag of our people. It's the sign that says, "Hey! You're different just like me!" The rainbow is the sign of the LGBT+. (I'm really too lazy to put all the letters so we have the lovely plus sign. Sorry about that.)
In this collection of one-shots, short stories, poems, and other methods of storytelling, I'll show you all the sides of being LGBT+. The good, the beautiful, the absolutely aww-inspiring, the cringy, and of course, the bad (oh, and the dirty. That's important, too). So, let's get one thing straight: this book isn't. From first realizing you aren't straight, to the various fears, anxieties, and outcomes of coming out, to finding your person, and to laughing and relating to the non-straight antics of some of our favorite celebrities (yes, Beebo, I'm looking at you).
So go ahead. Let your colors shine. And remember, never be afraid to show your rainbow pride. And if people don't like it, then they're just jealous that you have so many colors and they're plain and monotone.
Get a behind-the-pages look at my writing process, see what has inspired me to write my stories, read deleted scenes, and get exclusive special sneak peeks at what's to come!